Objectives of Internal Qualiy Assurance Cell :

1. To develop a quality system in Academics, Research, Administration and Infrastructure of the Institution..
2.To promote measures for the institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and consignment of best practices.

Students’ support and progression:

1. Value added programmes have been conducted under the banner of ISTE students chapter.
2. Better learning environment and good hospitality have been provided to inmates of student home.
3. “Functional English programme” as a part of communication laboratory exercises is being offered for the betterment of the students.
4. NPTEL materials which contains video lectures given by IIT professors are provided for students’ access.
5. Bridge courses are offered to first year and lateral students.
6. Faculty members act as councillors for solving student problems and motivating them to participate them in co-curricular extra curricular activities.
7. Providing question banks having previous years question papers with answer key.
8. Offering high-end elective papers which suits for the career growth of students.

Examination and evaluation:

1. Daily class test in the first hour
2.Two CIA test and one model examination have been conducted
3.Remedial classes for slow learners
4.Faculty members have been honoured for 100% university results

Contribution to the environmental awareness :

1.10 KW of solar PV power plant is installed in the administrative block and lighting loads are connected.
2.2 units of solar water heater with500 litres capacity is installed in the students home.
3.A biogas plant of 10 cubic metre was constructed in the students’ home to transform the waste food material into bio fuel for the kitchen usage
4.Rain water harvesting is available to increase the groundwater level.

Incremental improvement in the last five years, Curricular Aspects:

1.New course included. (ME computer science, ME Applied Electronics and Research centre recognition for chemistry department belongs to science and humanities block.
2.Add on programmes and value added programmes were offered to the students along with regular curriculum to improve their employability.

Teaching-learning and Evaluation:

1.Faculty qualification and number of Ph.D staff – increase from 7 to 26
2 .ICT is implemented to enable teaching improvements in the institution
3.Question paper template is adopted and two sets of questions were obtained for each CIA test
4.Faculty retention is improved and the average experience of faculty is 10.4 years as of now.
5. Almost 54 faculties are pursuing their Ph.D in various disciplines as of now.

Research Innovation and Extensions: :

1. Research publication and research project – research center recognition.
2.Total number of scholars pursuing Ph.D in the college is 25.
3.Professional program recognition, publication incentive and book publication incentive had been given to the faculty members to encourage them.
4.Research level labs are established like Lab view lab, Clean Energy research and Development Centre lab (CERDC) and Environmental lab.
5.Joint publication were improved to 113 and one technology development project is pursued

Infrastructure And Learning Resources:

1. A health centre exists with ambulance facilities.
2. Transport facilities were enhanced by the addition of 9 new college buses for students and faculties.
3.Library budget was significantly increased from 11.5 lakhs in 2012-2013 to 27.68 lakhs in 2016 – 2017.

Governance, Leadership and Management :

1.Systematic approach of faculty training has been given periodically inside and outside the campus.
2.Introduction of Deanery system such as Director, Dean academic, Dean administration for effective decentralization.
3.Faculty group insurance scheme is available.

Quality assurance mechanism were developed like appraisal based on :

1.Faculty promotion schemes.
2.Faculty publication incentives
3.Placement assistant committee.
4.Research proposals scrutiny committee.
5.Academic advisory committee.

S.no Date Lecture Title
1 10.02.2020 NBA SAR Presentation by CSE, MECH, EEE, ECE, Civil
2 17.12.2019 Outcome based Education
3 26.08.2019 Research Proposal Scrutiny Committee formed by IQAC reviewd by AICTE/AQIS research proposals submitted by faculty members
4 17.12.18 Research Proposal Scrutiny Committee formed by IQAC reviewd by AICTE/AQIS research proposals submitted by faculty members
5 15.12.2018 Research progress Monitoring Commitee
6 11.02.2017 Implementation of Best Practices
7 28.05.2016 Invester Awareness Programme – What‟s your Number”
7 28.02.2015 The Fertile
8 05.08.2014 Big Data Analytics with Data Mining
9 26.08.2019 Research Proposal Scrutiny Committee formed by IQAC reviewed the AICTE AQIS research proposals submitted by faculty members
10 17.12.2019 Outcome based Education
11 10.02.2020 NBA-SAR Presentation by CSE,MECH,EEE,ECE,MCA
12 15.12.2020 Research progress monitoring committee formed by IQAC reviewed the progress of the faculty pursuing Ph.D programmes.
13 17.12.2020 Research Proposal Scrutiny Committee formed by IQAC reviewed the AICTE AQIS research proposals submitted by faculty members

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