This professional national body was formed in 1950 as a voluntary and non profit organization representing a wide spectrum of Indian organizations producing and using all forms of energy and fuels to maximize the effectiveness of energy and fuels use to the development of the industries.

Benefits of ENFUSE student chapter:

1.Faculty support at free of cost for a one day event per year from ENFUSE
2. Quarterly journal to the all student chapter members from ENFUSE at the free of cost
3. Students can contribute their technical articles in the quarterly journal.
4. Discounts for students members for attending conference/seminars organized by ENFUSE

Apart from the above benefits as many of the industrial houses are the members of above association, Industrial visit and In-plant training can be arranged in those industries through the ENFUSE. The regular departmental activities like guest lecture, workshops, and student’s competitions will be conducted under this student chapter.

ENFUSE Co-Ordinators

1.Dr. S. Rajkumar, AP/Mech

Professional Society


Prominent Alumni

S.NO Date Program Resource Person No.of.Beneficiary
1 April 2016 Competition, Quiz, Group Discussion, Energy Model Mr.S.Rajkumar
2 18/03/2016 Guest Lecture on Bio-Energy-An Insight in to the techniques and Projects at NITT Dr.K.N.Sheeba, Assistant professor/Chemical, NITT 101
3 08/03/2016 One day workshop on recent trends in NDT Er.K.Sakthi, Prim Institute of technology, Thanjavur 101
4 A27/082016 Guest lecture on Energy Scenario in India Er.B.Anandhanarayanan, Senior Manager, CPCI 95
5 26/09/2016 Industrial Visit at PPCL, Karaikal 87
6 19/06/2017 to 24/06/2017 Inplant Training CPCL KAraikal 10
7 03/04/2017 & 04/04/2017 Competition, Quiz, and Technical Talk Mr.S.Rajkumar
8 21/03/2017 A seminar on Indian Energy Vision Shri.S.Ramalingam, National President, ENFUSE 130
9 01/02/2017 An awareness program on Driving practices for fuel conservation ONGC & ENFUSE 30 drivers + 40 students
10 26/03/2018 and 27/03/2018 Quiz Mr.Yeganarayanan and Mr.R.Purushothaman 65
11 22/03/2018 to 23/09/2018 Industrial visit to Thiru Arooran sugars limited Mr.S.Rajkumar & Mr.R.Purushothaman 137
12 23/09/2017 Guest Lecture on Issues & challenges in concentrating solar power Dr.Sendhil Kumar Natarajan, AP/Mech NIT Puducherry 101
13 19/06/2017 to 24/06/2017 Inplant Training CPCL Karaikal 10
14 06/03/2019 Technical Papaer Presentation Mr.S.Rajkumar
Mr.R.Purushothaman, &Dr.S.Swanithan
15 08.03.2019 Technical Quiz Competition Mr.Yeganarayanan, Mr.T.Karthikeyan & Mr.R.Purushothaman 60
16 31/08/2019 Guest Lecture on scope and present status on renewable energy utilization Mrs.Cynthia Alexander, Principal Officer for renewabe energy and energy management, Seychelles 90
17 03.06.2022 Quiz Mr.T.Karthikeyan & Mr.P.Yegnanarayanan,AP/Mech 40
18 04.06.2022 Technical talk Dr.S. Rajkumar 12